Executive Director

Mr.Alehubel Alemaw Bizuneh
Founder & Executive Director of HAWE
Email: alehubelmh@gmail.com
Mobile: +(251)-93-046-4646
Addis Ababa-Ethiopia

Head Office Location

Bole sub city, Woreda 03
In front of Bole medahenealem church
Milkomi Building 2nd floor H.No.207
Office Phone: +(251)-11-821-1621
Mobile: +(251)-97-810-1111
Addis Ababa - Ethiopia

Branch Location

Amhara National regional state
Tana sub-city Ras Ageze kebele
House No.A407
Office Phone :+(251)-98-220-5155
Mobile: +(251)-90-318-3333
Bahir Dar | Ethiopia

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